The Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club welcomes everyone with an interest in the natural environment. Members and visitors can attend our monthly meetings with guest speakers on the second Friday of the Month (February – December) and our excursions on the following day.
Join us as we explore, learn about and enjoy the rich flora and fauna of our region.
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Current & Recent Events
and News
Click on the links below for details or subscribe to our eNews (see below) for updates.
- Monthly Meeting: Friday 14th February, 7.30pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St.
- “We remember Richard Piesse”, Saturday 15th February, 3pm. Tea Rooms, Castlemaine Botanical Gardens
- Roadside Clean-up: Monday 17th February, 9am
- Vale Richard Piesse
- Monthly Meeting: Friday 13th December, 7.30 pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St
Our meetings are held at 7.30pm in the Uniting Church Hall, Lyttleton Street, Castlemaine, except in winter (June-August) when they are held by Zoom for the convenience of members and more distant guest speakers.
Details of our meetings and excursions are provided in the monthly newsletter, the Castlemaine Naturalist, and on the Activities page of this website.
Alert – Cinnamon Fungus found near Castlemaine!
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