Exploring Outback Queensland’s National Parks – Geraldine & Geoff Harris
Long-time tent campers, Geoff and Geraldine Harris bought a Cub camper trailer at the end of 2019. Their travel plans were put on hold when Covid hit in early 2020, so when borders opened temporarily in mid-June 2021, they set off to explore outback Queensland. However, having reached the Gulf and heading south towards Birdsville, their plans to return home in early August were thwarted by a sudden SA border closure. Uncertain when this border might reopen they decided to drive to the tip of Cape York. During their four months away they visited over 30 National Parks and conservation properties. Join them at the March meeting for some pictorial highlights of their adventures.
The meeting will be held by Zoom and all are welcome. If you have not joined earlier webinars and wish to attend, please email Peter Turner at munrodsl@iinet.net.au
Our guest speaker will follow the usual ‘observations’ session when members can share recent interesting sightings with an option to show a photo or two. If you have photos for the meeting, please email JPEG file(s) to Euan Moore at calamanthus5@bigpond.com by noon on the day of the meeting.