Speaker: Tanya Loos, Nature writer and science communicator
“Window strike: when birds hit windows”
Combined meeting with Birdlife Castlemaine District

Window strike is a huge problem for common birds – as well as threatened species such as the Swift Parrot and Powerful Owl. Many of us have had the unfortunate experience of a thud or even a crash as a bird in rapid flight collides with a window at home. The good news is there are easy steps you can take to prevent this happening.
The meeting will be held by Zoom. All are welcome. If you have not joined earlier webinars and wish to attend, please email Peter Turner at munrodsl@iinet.net.au
Our guest speaker will follow the usual ‘observations’ session when members and visitors can share recent interesting sightings with an option to show a photo or two. If you have photos for the meeting, please email JPEG file(s) to Jill Williams at jilliwill33@gmail.com by noon on the day of the meeting.