Calendar of Events


MonthDayMonthly Meeting
Speaker – topic
Leader – topic
DayOther Event
FebFri 14thJohn Walter (Malmsbury Landcare), “Our native pollinators – honey bees and beyond”Sat 15th3pm. Tribute to Richard Piesse, Tea Rooms, Castlemaine Botanical Gardens. All welcome.Mon 17thRoadside Clean-up
MarFri 14thAGM; Christine Kilmartin, Castlemaine Landcare Group, “Learnings and leanings from two decades of Landcare”Sat 15thChristine Kilmartin. “Forest Creek restoration by Castlemaine Landcare Group.”
AprFri 11thSteve Williams, “Life cycles of moths”. With a moth sheet survey during the evening.Sat 12thRed, white and blue mine. “Photographing flowers, grasses and insects for effective iNaturalist identification”.Fri18th

 Good Friday
MayFri 9thGraham Stockfeld, President Turtles Australia, “Talking turtles”Sat 10thTBAMon 12thRoadside clean-up
JunFri 13thKelly Clitheroe, President DarkSkies International Association – Victoria, “How light pollution impacts wildlife”Sat 14thCathrine Harboe-Ree & Rosemary Turner. “Street trees of Castlemaine, part 2”.  
JulFri 11thAdrian Marshall, VNPA, “Protecting and restoring our grassy plains”Sat 12thFungi search with Joy Clusker.  
AugFri 8thDr Linden Ashcroft, Bureau of Meteorology, “What will climate change bring to Castlemaine weather? “Sat 9thTBAMon 11thRoadside clean-up
SeptFri 12thCFNC weekend, Wedderburn. Speakers: Prof Michael Kearney, Melb Uni Biosciences & Russell Stanley, local orchid expertSat 13th – Sun 14hCFNC weekend, Wedderburn. Field trips to Mt Korong, Kooyoora SP and other nearby reservesWeds
10, 24
Wednesday Wildflower Wanders
OctFri 10thAnna Murphy, Senior Threatened Species Officer, DCCEEW. “Saving plants from extinction”.

Sat 11th

8, 22


Wednesday Wildflower Wanders

Ballarat, Springtime SEANA

Great Southern Bioblitz
NovFri 14thMargaret & Richard Alcorn (Geelong FNC), “eBird Data Exploration”. Combined Birdlife Castlemaine & District meeting.Sat 15thBird walkMon 17thRoadside clean-up
DecFri 12thMembers’ nightTues 16th5pm. Picnic, Castlemaine Botanical GardensDec 6, 7Challenge Bird Count

Previous Calendars: 2022, 2023, 2024