Monthly Meeting:  Friday 10th November, 7.30pm, Uniting Church Chapel, Lyttleton St.

Speaker: Sophie Bickford, Central Victorian Biolinks Alliance, “Community-connected Conservation across Central Victoria”

The Central Victorian Biolinks Alliance’s vision is to restore and reconnect large landscapes across public and private land in Central Victoria to halt environmental and species decline. Partnerships with community environment groups extend from the Grampians across to the Australian Alps and from the Dividing Ranges to the Murray River. Executive Director Sophie Bickford will explain how the Alliance is working to scale-up ecological restoration by delivering a range of innovative pilot projects to demonstrate effective landscape repair techniques, and to catalyse their broader uptake in the region.  These projects include targeting “leaky landscapes”, reconnecting woodlands and waterways, and restoring habitat for threatened species such as Brush-tailed Phascogales, Gliding Possums and Mallee fowl.

Observations: Members and visitors are invited to share their interesting observations at the meeting. Please email any photos to illustrate your report as JPEG file(s) to Euan Moore ( by noon on the day of the meeting.