Vale Richard Piesse

Dear Members – sad news as we welcome the new year.

Long-time member Richard Piesse died early on Saturday morning.  He had been in Peter Mac for some weeks for pain management and palliative care as his long battle with cancer progressed.    His daughter told us that the staff at Peter Mac had cared for Richard with great compassion to the end.

There will be no public funeral, but the family are planning a public gathering to remember Richard in Darebin Park, Fairfield late Jan/early Feb.  We will pass on information about this as it becomes available.  The CFNC will also organise a memorial gathering in due course.

The club will place a notice in the Castlemaine Mail. 

We will miss Richard greatly. He was a very special person and friend, valiantly managing the pain of severe arthritis and the challenges of cancer while enjoying walks in the bush, helping fellow members identify plants, preparing plant lists on excursions and volunteering at the Information Centre every Friday for two decades.