Field Nats

Monthly Meeting: Friday 12th July, 7:30pm by Zoom

We are privileged to have A/Prof Jonathan Plett from the Western Sydney University Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment address our July monthly meeting on the topic of how fungi communicate with their host plants. Jonathan will tell us about his research to identify the protein signals that coordinate symbiosis between soil-borne mycorrhizal fungi and plants […]

Monthly Meeting: Friday 12th July, 7:30pm by Zoom Read More »

Speaker: Assoc. Prof Jonathan Plett (Western Sydney University) “Translating the Language of Mycorrhizal Fungi”

Excursion -Saturday 13th July, 1.30pm “Street trees of Castlemaine”

This excursion provides the opportunity to appreciate the interesting collection of trees in Goldsmith Crescent and Yandell, Forest, Kennedy and Campbell Streets. Our guides both have botanical expertise and will help us identify at least 20 different indigenous and introduced species, including several forms of Yellow Gum (Eucalyptus leucoxylon). Two of the trees are historically

Excursion -Saturday 13th July, 1.30pm “Street trees of Castlemaine” Read More »

Leaders - Rosemary Turner and Susan Luke

SEANA Spring Camp – Marysville, 25-27 October, 2024

The second South East Australian Naturalists’ Association (SEANA) camp for this year will be held from Friday 25th – Sunday 27th October in Marysville.  This is an excellent chance to meet fellow naturalists from around SE Australia and explore a new region under the guidance of local experts.  The Ringwood FNC is hosting this camp

SEANA Spring Camp – Marysville, 25-27 October, 2024 Read More »

Hosted by the Ringwood FNC Inc.

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 14th June, 7.30pm by Zoom

The June meeting will be the first of our 3 winter meetings by Zoom for 2024, with our guest speaker being Dr Don Fletcher, an ecologist with the National Parks Association of the ACT. Don will describe a Citizen Science research project on Rosenberg’s Goanna (Varanus rosenbergi) in Namadgi National Park, ACT that has been

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 14th June, 7.30pm by Zoom Read More »

Speaker: Dr Don Fletcher (Threatened Species Recovery Hub) “Citizen Science Unlocking the Natural History of Rosenberg’s Goanna”

Excursion – Saturday June 15th,10.00am, “Fungi search”, Leonards Hill

For our June excursion, we will search for fungi with Joy Clusker who will give us tips on identification and where to find fungi. Since autumn has been dry, we will travel south to cooler, damper forests for a better chance to find a good range of fungi. So we will meet earlier than usual

Excursion – Saturday June 15th,10.00am, “Fungi search”, Leonards Hill Read More »

Leaders – Joy Clusker and Jenny Rolland

SEANA Autumn and Spring Camps, 2024

The South East Australian Naturalists’ Association (SEANA) organises two camps each year where Field Naturalist groups from around SE Australia gather to explore a new region and meet fellow naturalists. The host club organises a range of activities lead by their local experts. As it becomes available, information about these camps’ activities, registration forms and

SEANA Autumn and Spring Camps, 2024 Read More »

Alert – Cinnamon Fungus found near Castlemaine!

The presence of Cinnamon Fungus, Phytophthora cinnamomi, has been confirmed by soil tests in the Porcupine Ridge area of the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park where it has infected plants in the Pea and Protea families causing dieback.  Both Fryerstown Grevillea, Grevillea obtecta, and Scented Bush Pea, Pultenaea graveolans, both listed as Endangered under the

Alert – Cinnamon Fungus found near Castlemaine! Read More »

Reminder! Register in advance for June 9th Monthly Meeting

A reminder that our June meeting will be via Zoom.  If you wish to join us to hear Louise Saunders’ interesting talk on her botanical art and conservation work, you MUST first email Peter ( before 3pm Friday 9th June to request the invitation to register for the meeting and then get an email with

Reminder! Register in advance for June 9th Monthly Meeting Read More »

Our Monthly Meeting on Friday 9th June is via Zoom