AGM and Monthly Meeting: 7.30 pm, Friday 14th March, 2025, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St.

Speaker: Christine Kilmartin (President, Castlemaine Landcare Group) Learnings and leanings from two decades of Landcare

The 2025 AGM will be held before the usual monthly meeting on 14th March. Meeting papers are available from the following links:
2025 AGM Agenda and Minutes of the 2024 AGM
President’s Report and Financial Report 2024/25
CFNC Committee Nomination form

All positions on the committee will be open, so you are strongly encouraged to consider joining the committee. Members with a range of skills and interests are very welcome.
For more information, please contact the Secretary. Completed forms should reach the Secretary ( before the meeting.

Monthly Meeting Talk – Following the AGM, Christine Kilmartin (President, Castlemaine Landcare Group) will present “Learnings and leanings from two decades of Landcare”

Forest Creek and Happy Valley were devastated by alluvial mining in the 1850’s and subsequent neglect. Subsequent farming in the Valley changed soil profiles and introduced competitors to remnant vegetation. Christine will describe the habitat restoration work by CLG and supporting agencies over the last 20 years and explain the Landcare vision for future works along the creek including the exciting new project to rewild the channelised section of the creek. Both the challenges and highpoints of these works will be flagged. She will also stress the importance of regular monitoring such as bird surveys and Waterwatch to assess the health of the recovering ecosystems.

This month there will be no Observations segment. But we would love to see your interesting observations in the April Castlemaine Naturalist. Please forward them, with photos if available (preferably as uncropped JPGs), by email to the newsletter editors at by 28th March.