Monthly Meeting:  Friday 12th April, 7.30pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St.

Speaker: Professor Tim Entwisle, “Evergreen and Entwisleia: a botanical life, and a seaweed”

Professor Tim Entwisle is an author, botanist and former director of botanic gardens in Melbourne, Sydney and London. He also lived for a few years at Yapeen and completed his final years of secondary school at Castlemaine High School. In 2022, Tim published a memoir called “Evergreen: the Botanical Life of a Plant Punk” (Thames & Hudson), and this will be the subject of his talk for us on 12 April. He will explain why he became a botanist (and phycologist) and some of the highlights of his three decades working in, and visiting, botanic gardens around the world. Tim will also share with us the story of a seaweed (an alga) called Entwisleia bella, and how this came to be named after him. (Tim will bring some books for sale and signing).

Observations: Members and visitors are invited to share their interesting observations at the meeting. Please email any photos to illustrate your report as JPEG file(s) to Jill Williams ( by noon on the day of the meeting.