
Excursion – Saturday April 13th,1.30pm, “Significant trees in the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens”

Join us for our rescheduled walk in the Castlemaine Botanical gardens to remember and celebrate George Broadway. This walk was cancelled in March due to the hot weather. We will follow the route mapped by George for his brochure highlighting the interesting collection of trees in the gardens, and finish with a gathering over afternoon […]

Excursion – Saturday April 13th,1.30pm, “Significant trees in the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens” Read More »

Leaders - Euan Moore and Peter Turner

CANCELLED: Excursion – Saturday March 9th,1.30pm, “Significant trees in the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens”

Unfortunately, due to the high temperatures forecast for Saturday, we have decided to cancel our walk in the Botanical Gardens. We will reschedule this important event to celebrate George Broadway to Saturday April 13th at 1.30pm. However, members and visitors are reminded of our AGM and Monthly Meeting as detailed in our previous update –

CANCELLED: Excursion – Saturday March 9th,1.30pm, “Significant trees in the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens” Read More »

Leaders - Euan Moore and Peter Turner

AGM and Monthly Meeting:  Friday 8th March, 7.30 pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St

The 2024 AGM will be held at 7.30pm before the usual monthly meeting on March 8th. The AGM agenda will include the Annual Report and the Treasurer’s Report for 2023, and the election of office bearers and committee members for 2024. All positions on the committee will be open, so you are strongly encouraged to

AGM and Monthly Meeting:  Friday 8th March, 7.30 pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St Read More »

Speaker: Trent Nelson (FFM, DEECA) “Cultural burning program in the Murray Goldfields district”

Excursion – Saturday March 9th,1.30pm, “Significant trees in the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens”

Join us for a walk in the Castlemaine Botanical gardens to remember and celebrate George Broadway. We will follow the route mapped by George for his brochure highlighting the interesting collection of trees in the gardens. Meet: 1.30pm. We will meet at the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens (not at The Octopus) by the Rose Garden adjacent

Excursion – Saturday March 9th,1.30pm, “Significant trees in the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens” Read More »

Leaders - Euan Moore and Peter Turner

SEANA Autumn and Spring Camps, 2024

The South East Australian Naturalists’ Association (SEANA) organises two camps each year where Field Naturalist groups from around SE Australia gather to explore a new region and meet fellow naturalists. The host club organises a range of activities lead by their local experts. As it becomes available, information about these camps’ activities, registration forms and

SEANA Autumn and Spring Camps, 2024 Read More »

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 9th February, 7.30pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St.

The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is the world’s largest virtual library of biodiversity literature and archival material, all freely accessible and discoverable online. Nicole Kearney manages the Australian branch of the BHL. In 2023, BHL Australia received a grant from the Public Record Office Victoria to include the publications of Victoria’s Field Naturalist Clubs in

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 9th February, 7.30pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St. Read More »

Speaker: Nicole Kearney (Manager, Biodiversity Heritage Library Australia), “The Biodiversity Heritage Library: unlocking the foundation of the world's biodiversity knowledge”

Excursion: Saturday 10th February, 1.30pm, “Mt Alexander”

Join us for an easy walk along a gently undulating track from the Leanganook picnic ground to the impressive Dog Rocks. Spectacular views and cool, tall forest. Some early wildflowers. We will return to the picnic ground for afternoon tea. Approx. 3km return, but turn back when you like. There is a toilet block at

Excursion: Saturday 10th February, 1.30pm, “Mt Alexander” Read More »

Leaders: Euan Moore & Jenny Rolland

Roadside Clean-up: Monday 12th February, 9am

Come along and help do our bit for the community.  A pleasant walk along some interesting roadside bush. Meet: 9am near Tait’s Decorative Iron, corner of Willy Milly Rd and Pyrenees Highway, Castlemaine.   Bring: Gloves, water, sturdy footwear. Garbage bags and safety vests supplied. Contact: Geoff Harris (mob 0418 392 183) if you can

Roadside Clean-up: Monday 12th February, 9am Read More »

Help keep our stretch of the Pyrenees Highway clean!

Alert – Cinnamon Fungus found near Castlemaine!

The presence of Cinnamon Fungus, Phytophthora cinnamomi, has been confirmed by soil tests in the Porcupine Ridge area of the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park where it has infected plants in the Pea and Protea families causing dieback.  Both Fryerstown Grevillea, Grevillea obtecta, and Scented Bush Pea, Pultenaea graveolans, both listed as Endangered under the

Alert – Cinnamon Fungus found near Castlemaine! Read More »