
Wednesday Wildflower Wander, 11th September, 4pm, Sinclairs Lane, Muckleford

Our September Wednesday Wildflower Wanders will continue this week with a visit to the Muckleford Forest.  In addition to a magnificent show of different wildflowers including several orchids, we hope to see the rare Grevillea micrantha. Meet: in the Car Park north of the Railway Goods Shed in Kennedy St ready to leave at 4 […]

Wednesday Wildflower Wander, 11th September, 4pm, Sinclairs Lane, Muckleford Read More »

Leaders: Judy and Philip Hopley

Wednesday Wildflower Wander, 4th September, 4pm, Kalimna Park

During September each year, we arrange late afternoon excursions on Wednesdays to nearby sites to enjoy the wonderful wildflower show in our local Box-Ironbark woodlands. Our first walk for the season will be a loop walk in Kalimna Park in an area that is well known for its wildflowers. Other walks in this series will

Wednesday Wildflower Wander, 4th September, 4pm, Kalimna Park Read More »

Leaders: Peter and Rosemary Turner

Message of the Lyrebird

Connecting Country have teamed up with Barkers Creek Landcare & Wildlife Group, Balangara Films, BirdLife Castlemaine and the Theatre Royal for a special fundraising event featuring the award-winning film The Message of the Lyrebird, along with live music and conversations with local Landcarers and ecologists. All proceeds from tickets sales to this event will go

Message of the Lyrebird Read More »

A Special Fundraising Event

Great Southern Bioblitz 2024

After a wonderfully successful 2023 effort Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club is again hosting the Great Southern Bioblitz for the Castlemaine region. GSB24 runs from September 20th to 23rd 2024 with citizen scientists from across the Southern Hemisphere photographing and audio recording as many living species as possible within their regions.  Join us to help showcase

Great Southern Bioblitz 2024 Read More »

Join the fun, 20-23 Sept as well as our lead-up activities

Monthly Meeting: Friday 9th August, 7:30pm via Zoom

Fire ants could potentially inflict a multi-billion dollar hit to Australia’s economy. They are three times more venomous than other stinging insects. They threaten iconic Australian wildlife populations like koalas, platypus and echidnas. Overseas, fire ants are causing agricultural land to become unviable. As expert stowaways they have crossed oceans and continents in cargo. These invaders

Monthly Meeting: Friday 9th August, 7:30pm via Zoom Read More »

Speaker: Reece Pianta (Invasive Species Council), "Fire ants – their threat and eradication"

Excursion – Saturday August 10th,1.00pm, “Restoring leaky landscapes”, Spring Plains, Heathcote (Biolinks Alliance project)

As we heard from Executive Director Dr Sophie Bickford at our November Monthly Meeting last year, the Central Victorian Biolinks Alliance aims to work with partner organisations to restore and reconnect large landscapes across Central Victoria.  For our August Excursion, we now have the opportunity to visit a Biolinks Alliance project site in the Spring

Excursion – Saturday August 10th,1.00pm, “Restoring leaky landscapes”, Spring Plains, Heathcote (Biolinks Alliance project) Read More »

Leader: – Cameron O’Mara (Biolinks Alliance Ecologist)

Roadside Clean-up: Monday 12th August, 9am

Our club has been allocated a section of the Pyrenees Highway to keep clean, west of Castlemaine from the top of McKenzie’s Hill to Woodman’s Road. We do this four times a year. It is always a pleasant walk along some interesting roadside bush. Come along and help do our bit for the community.  Meet:

Roadside Clean-up: Monday 12th August, 9am Read More »

It’s time to check our stretch of the Pyrenees Highway!

Monthly Meeting: Friday 12th July, 7:30pm by Zoom

We are privileged to have A/Prof Jonathan Plett from the Western Sydney University Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment address our July monthly meeting on the topic of how fungi communicate with their host plants. Jonathan will tell us about his research to identify the protein signals that coordinate symbiosis between soil-borne mycorrhizal fungi and plants

Monthly Meeting: Friday 12th July, 7:30pm by Zoom Read More »

Speaker: Assoc. Prof Jonathan Plett (Western Sydney University) “Translating the Language of Mycorrhizal Fungi”

Excursion -Saturday 13th July, 1.30pm “Street trees of Castlemaine”

This excursion provides the opportunity to appreciate the interesting collection of trees in Goldsmith Crescent and Yandell, Forest, Kennedy and Campbell Streets. Our guides both have botanical expertise and will help us identify at least 20 different indigenous and introduced species, including several forms of Yellow Gum (Eucalyptus leucoxylon). Two of the trees are historically

Excursion -Saturday 13th July, 1.30pm “Street trees of Castlemaine” Read More »

Leaders - Rosemary Turner and Susan Luke