Excursion:  Saturday 14th October, 1.30pm “Pre-1852 Eucalypts around Maldon – their importance and protection”

Leader: Bev Phillips, Maldon Urban Landcare Inc. (MULGA)

On this excursion, we will learn how the MULGA project aims to document and ensure long-term protection of eucalypts that were growing before 1852 (pre-European settlement) in Maldon. These trees are of significant environmental and historical significance.

MULGA secretary Bev Phillips will describe how to identify the four indigenous Box trees in Maldon – Grey, Red, Yellow and Long-leaved, and also Yellow Gum. She will have samples of leaves and nuts, and flowers if available, for people to look at.  Bev will then go on to describe how their group has surveyed the trees and calculated their estimated ages (between 170 and 550 years old!). She will then lead a walk around the Maldon township to see some of the surveyed trees.

The terrain will be either flat or very gently undulating, although there is one somewhat steep uphill section.

Meet: 1.30pm at the Octopus (opposite the Castle Motel in Duke St) or 2pm at the rotunda in the Maldon Shire Gardens in High St (where the Visitor Information Centre and the Maldon Museum are).

Bring: Water, snacks, sturdy shoes and afternoon tea.