Monthly Meetings

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 9th February, 7.30pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St.

The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is the world’s largest virtual library of biodiversity literature and archival material, all freely accessible and discoverable online. Nicole Kearney manages the Australian branch of the BHL. In 2023, BHL Australia received a grant from the Public Record Office Victoria to include the publications of Victoria’s Field Naturalist Clubs in […]

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 9th February, 7.30pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St. Read More »

Speaker: Nicole Kearney (Manager, Biodiversity Heritage Library Australia), “The Biodiversity Heritage Library: unlocking the foundation of the world's biodiversity knowledge”

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 8th December, 7.30 pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St

What was a highlight of your nature sightings this year?  Please share it with us at our end-of-year monthly meeting.  Do you have a photo, a video, a sound recording or just a story to tell.  Would you like to recite a poem or sing a song to capture your impressions of this year’s Field

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 8th December, 7.30 pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St Read More »

“Members Night!”

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 10th November, 7.30pm, Uniting Church Chapel, Lyttleton St.

The Central Victorian Biolinks Alliance’s vision is to restore and reconnect large landscapes across public and private land in Central Victoria to halt environmental and species decline. Partnerships with community environment groups extend from the Grampians across to the Australian Alps and from the Dividing Ranges to the Murray River. Executive Director Sophie Bickford will

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 10th November, 7.30pm, Uniting Church Chapel, Lyttleton St. Read More »

Speaker: Sophie Bickford, Central Victorian Biolinks Alliance, “Community-connected Conservation across Central Victoria”

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 13th October, 7.30pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St.

The Gariwerd National Park is renowned for its significant diversity of fauna species – 50 species are classified as threatened, including the Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby. Introduced predators potentially have an enormous impact on the wildlife of the park. The Gariwerd Ark project aims to deliver predator animal control and reintroductions of native animals such as

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 13th October, 7.30pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St. Read More »

Speaker: Kailee Savoia (Parks Victoria, Gariwerd), “Grampians/Gariwerd Ark – landscape scale predator control"

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 8th September, 7.30pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St.

Combined Castlemaine Field Naturalist Club and BirdLife Castlemaine District annual presentation Going bush, watching and photographing birds and then making art about them, is talented local nature artist Jane Rusden’s idea of the perfect day. Jane will talk about her time in remote desert landscapes, namely Nature Foundation’s Witchelina Reserve in outback SA, studying and

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 8th September, 7.30pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St. Read More »

Speaker: Jane Rusden, “Birding in SA Desert country”

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 11th August, 7.30pm by Zoom

Skylos Ecology Co-Founders Tracy Lyten and Fiona Jackson will discuss the specialised use of detection dogs in the conservation world.  They will explore how dogs are providing a valuable service in helping protect Australia’s flora and fauna. From endangered species detection, fox and feral cat management to the detection of invasive weeds, Tracy and Fiona

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 11th August, 7.30pm by Zoom Read More »

Speakers: Tracy Lyten and Fiona Jackson (Skylos Ecology), “The Role of Detection Dogs in Conservation”

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 14th July, 7.30 pm, by Zoom

Matt will talk about his research studies into the Chytrid fungus that is causing a serious decline in our frog populations.  Matt is identifying factors that influence frog disease susceptibility and strategies for protecting frogs from this fungus.  He will also describe projects to translocate healthy populations of frogs, including the Growling Grass Frog, to

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 14th July, 7.30 pm, by Zoom Read More »

Speaker: Dr Matt West (University of Melbourne Biosciences) “Protecting frogs from Chytrid fungus”.

Reminder! Register in advance for June 9th Monthly Meeting

A reminder that our June meeting will be via Zoom.  If you wish to join us to hear Louise Saunders’ interesting talk on her botanical art and conservation work, you MUST first email Peter ( before 3pm Friday 9th June to request the invitation to register for the meeting and then get an email with

Reminder! Register in advance for June 9th Monthly Meeting Read More »

Our Monthly Meeting on Friday 9th June is via Zoom

Monthly Meeting: Friday June 9th, 7:30pm by Zoom

The June meeting will be the first of our 3 winter meetings by Zoom for 2023 with our speaker being Louise Saunders, a botanical artist originally from Benalla in Victoria’s North East. Louise has had a particular interest in illustrating the ground orchids of NE Victoria and since relocating to Queensland, also the subtropical flora

Monthly Meeting: Friday June 9th, 7:30pm by Zoom Read More »

Speaker: Louise Saunders “Botanical art – inspiring wildlife conservation”

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 12th May, 7.30 pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St

Lisa is an Environmental Specialist – Projects with Coliban Region Water.  She will explain how Coliban Water addresses its aims ‘to protect the upper section of the Coliban River and its long-term water supply, while boosting habitat connectivity, sustainable land use practices, and building cultural and lifestyle value across the region.’ The talk will follow

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 12th May, 7.30 pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St Read More »

Speaker: Lisa Cox “Coliban Water Biodiversity Strategy”