
Monthly Meeting:  Friday 14th July, 7.30 pm, by Zoom

Matt will talk about his research studies into the Chytrid fungus that is causing a serious decline in our frog populations.  Matt is identifying factors that influence frog disease susceptibility and strategies for protecting frogs from this fungus.  He will also describe projects to translocate healthy populations of frogs, including the Growling Grass Frog, to […]

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 14th July, 7.30 pm, by Zoom Read More »

Speaker: Dr Matt West (University of Melbourne Biosciences) “Protecting frogs from Chytrid fungus”.

Excursion: Saturday 15th July, 1.30pm. “Maldon Historic Reserve Flora Surveys”

Our July excursion will be to the Gower area of the Maldon Historic Reserve.  The purpose of the visit will be to look at some of the vegetation plots established by Ern Perkins around 2009 to monitor the effects of bush fires and fuel reduction burns on the native vegetation.  We will remeasure one or

Excursion: Saturday 15th July, 1.30pm. “Maldon Historic Reserve Flora Surveys” Read More »

Leaders: Euan Moore and Richard Piesse

SEANA Spring Camp – Yarram, October 20-23, 2023

The South East Australian Naturalists’ Association (SEANA) organises two camps each year where Field Naturalist groups from around SE Australia gather to meet fellow naturalists and explore a new region under the guidance of local experts. Several of our members greatly enjoyed the Autumn camp at Port Campbell. The SEANA Spring Camp will be held

SEANA Spring Camp – Yarram, October 20-23, 2023 Read More »

Hosted by the Sale & District FNC and Latrobe Valley FNC

Reminder! Register in advance for June 9th Monthly Meeting

A reminder that our June meeting will be via Zoom.  If you wish to join us to hear Louise Saunders’ interesting talk on her botanical art and conservation work, you MUST first email Peter (munrodsl@iinet.net.au) before 3pm Friday 9th June to request the invitation to register for the meeting and then get an email with

Reminder! Register in advance for June 9th Monthly Meeting Read More »

Our Monthly Meeting on Friday 9th June is via Zoom

Monthly Meeting: Friday June 9th, 7:30pm by Zoom

The June meeting will be the first of our 3 winter meetings by Zoom for 2023 with our speaker being Louise Saunders, a botanical artist originally from Benalla in Victoria’s North East. Louise has had a particular interest in illustrating the ground orchids of NE Victoria and since relocating to Queensland, also the subtropical flora

Monthly Meeting: Friday June 9th, 7:30pm by Zoom Read More »

Speaker: Louise Saunders “Botanical art – inspiring wildlife conservation”

Excursion: Saturday June 10th, 1:30pm, “McCay Reservoir”

Rescheduled from May.  Due to illness, Kylie was unable to lead this trip in May but we are pleased that she can lead this field trip to McCay Reservoir for our June excursion.  This will be a rare opportunity to see this site, which is not open to the public.  The reservoir, which is the

Excursion: Saturday June 10th, 1:30pm, “McCay Reservoir” Read More »

Leader: Kylie McLennan (Coliban Water)


Our planned excursion to McCay Reservoir is postponed to Sat June 10th as our leader is currently unwell.  We will bring forward our June excursion to this month. Join us for a relaxed amble on Mount Alexander sharing our skills in finding and identifying fungi and mosses. Meet:  1.30pm at the Octopus, Duke St, opposite


New topic “Fungi & Mosses on the Mount”

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 12th May, 7.30 pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St

Lisa is an Environmental Specialist – Projects with Coliban Region Water.  She will explain how Coliban Water addresses its aims ‘to protect the upper section of the Coliban River and its long-term water supply, while boosting habitat connectivity, sustainable land use practices, and building cultural and lifestyle value across the region.’ The talk will follow

Monthly Meeting:  Friday 12th May, 7.30 pm, Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton St Read More »

Speaker: Lisa Cox “Coliban Water Biodiversity Strategy”

“Fryerstown Grevillea search”: Saturday 20th May 1.30pm

Meet: at the Octopus (Duke St, opposite the Castle Motel) for a 1.30pm sharp departure. Bring: Sturdy walking shoes, water, afternoon tea. After a very successful search for the Fryerstown Grevillea (Grevillea obtecta) in the Fryers Ridge area last month, this month we will repeat our search in a section of Porcupine Ridge.  This Grevillea

“Fryerstown Grevillea search”: Saturday 20th May 1.30pm Read More »

Leader: Euan Moore